Quick Links

Schedule of Events

Sept 19: Enrichment Club Session 1 begins

Sept 23: PTO Ice Cream Social - Drive-in Movie Night!

Sept 30: Teacher-In-Service EARLY DISMISSAL

Oct 5: St Francis Mass at 9:00 am (Dress uniform required)

Oct 6: Progress Reports (Grades 1-3)

Oct 7: Faculty Retreat, NO SCHOOL

Oct 10: Columbus Day, NO SCHOOL

Oct 25-26: School Picture days

Oct 28: PTO Monster Mash

Oct 31-Nov 4: Scholastic Book Fair Week

Nov 1: All Saints Day Mass at 9:00 am (Dress uniform required)

Nov 4: First Quarter Ends




Our Lady of the Assumption School

Tuition Plans and Financial Aid

Tuition Plans

Plan A No Service Charge

One payment in full on or before July 1. 

Plan B $50 Service Charge   

Two equal payments, the first due August 1 and the second due February 1.

Plan C $50 Service Charge

Ten monthly payments taken from checking or savings account, beginning in July and ending in April.

Plan D Loan Options

Payment plans ranging from 12-60 months for a minimal finance charge. For further information, visit their website at: https://secure.yourtuitionsolution.com

To set up your payment plan go online and register at https://enroll.smarttuition.com/. Our Lady of the Assumption school code is 12548. Once enrolled, you will be able to access your SMART Tuition account from OLA’s website to edit your profile, check your tuition and student billing balance, make payments, review account history, change your method of payment, and live chat for assistance.  Once enrolled you do not need to re-enroll each year, your account will roll forward each year.


New Families

New prospective families: No financial aid will be granted until registration/acceptance is received.

The 2015-2016 FACTS Grant and Aid applications are available online at https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/3H8T1 after January 1st. Application deadline is April 15th. Applications must be fully completed and verified. Verification includes submission of required paperwork to FACTS. Please remember to check this site in the future for further tuition and financial aid information regarding deadlines and other important dates. The goal of the school is to notify families of Awards by April 30. In completing the reports, please use prior year’s Tax information if completing before December 31. If completing before December 31, you will need to submit updated information to include the current year’s tax information.  

Current and Returning Students

Financial Aid is available and is intended to provide assistance to students and parents who are in need and who have met the school's entrance requirements. The FACTS Grant and Aid Company has been contracted by Archdiocese of Boston to process applications for financial aid. Whether you apply for financial aid on-line or you mail your application to FACTS, supporting documentation such as W-2 forms and a copy of your tax return must also be submitted with the application. The DEADLINE  FOR APPLICATIONS IS MARCH 31. The school's goal is to notify Current/Returning students in writing by April 30 of the amount awarded for next school year.

Application for Financial Aid must be made each year that your child is a student of Our Lady of the Assumption. A family's financial situation can change from one year to the next, so applying each year keeps the process fair for all families. It is possible that a student may receive financial aid one year and not receive it the next, or a family who was not eligible for aid one year may be eligible the following year.



